Business Services
New to business?
And need answers, cost-effective services, and overall support? Not to worry, we have built a platform just for you. We created CoreBizU to help new entrepreneurs and micro-businesses navigate the financial and tax aspect of their business while providing access to an accounting and tax professional.
What you can expect to find at CorebizU:
Online programming (on-demand and live) for the business owner and office manager/receptionist.
Opportunity to receive 6 - 12 months of free bookkeeping or controller services.
Monthly live Q&A with an accounting and tax professional.
Much more.
When you need a little More...
Help! Uncertain how to achieve your next steps?
We can assist you with navigating the various pivots your business will face throughout its life cycles. This includes but its not limited to being a CEO for the first time, hiring your first or 50th employee, bringing in new partners or shareholders, exiting partners or shareholders, and changing the business structure.
Contact us so you don't have to do this alone.
15+ Years of Practice
Request a Discovery Call
Our 45-minute discovery calls are conducted virtually via video conference. During the call we will discuss your needs, discuss service options and pricing, and together we will decide if we're an ideal fit.
We are a virtual firm, therefore 95% of our working relationship will be through our portal and other technology.